In this season of giving thanks, I am keenly aware that we live in challenging times and the daunting path we need to travel together to make our world work for all of us.  This year it is the challenge that inspires my gratitude, and the path ahead feels less daunting for it.

In this time of complexity, I am taking a moment to appreciate that which is simple. I am making pecan pies for our Thanksgiving dinner in honor of my wonderful father who left this earth thirty years ago. His name is now carried on by my sweet baby grandson. At our Thanksgiving table he will enjoy his first bite of the glorious pecan pie – a simple delight.  

In this time of upheaval, I am taking a moment to appreciate that which is stabilizing. My family, my friendships, this incredible Hudson Community – these connections and systems sustain, fortify, and inspire me. What challenges lie ahead, we will face them better together.

In this time of anxiety, I am taking a moment to appreciate that which is possible. I am reflecting on the lessons and the learnings of these unusual times in order to gain a longer view into the future we hope for.  

In this time of uncertainty, I am taking a moment to appreciate that which I can affect. I am going to recommit myself to fully playing my part in making a difference. I know, collectively, we can all make our world a better place; to reduce suffering and the degradation of our environment.

A friend and colleague, Peter Hawkins, writes of the power of wide angle empathy – reminding us that for every issue we are faced with, we each play a role. For every hope we have for the future, we will all play a role – at home, at work, in our communities and in our global world.  For every difference we rail against, we learn by widening our empathy to wonder more, ask more and learn from those who see the world differently.

Our work is in seeing the small part each of us can and is willing to play at this complicated moment in history today and in the longer view of tomorrow. To best play our part, we have to lean on these things – the simple pleasures, our support systems, our capacity to learn, imagine, and create impact.

On behalf of all of us at Hudson, I wish you a good Thanksgiving and I hope you enjoy your version of pecan pie with people you love and care about.