What do employees need to thrive against the backdrop of volatile economic conditions? A survey this summer reported that only 9% of tech workers felt confident in their job security, and there have been over 200,000 tech layoffs since that survey was taken. Meanwhile, many other sectors are still facing talent shortages coming out of the Great Resignation. As a highly competitive job market collides with big layoffs, orgs on either end of the spectrum may be struggling with distraction and disengagement across the workforce.
For the next installment of our quarterly fireside chat, we’re bringing together leaders from global organizations to talk with Hudson’s founder and Chief Knowledge Officer, Pam McLean, Ph.D. Together, we’ll look through the lens of Hudson’s model for change, the Cycle of Renewal, to examine how these contradictory forces might be affecting the experiences of individual employees, and how we might use that understanding to create the conditions for innovation and growth even in challenging times.

Hudson’s Cofounder and CKO, Pam McLean, Ph.D., will host Taia A. Graham, Associate Director, Talent Development, EY Financial Services, Ryan Stadt, Sr Talent Development Manager, Cengage Group, and David Cory, Director, Global Organization Effectiveness at Sarepta Therapeutics, to discuss what employees need to thrive against the backdrop of volatile economic conditions.

The Panel

Pam McLean

Cofounder & CEO, Hudson Institute of Coaching

A preeminent authority on coaching, transformation learning, and transition and change in the adult journey, Pamela McLean, Ph.D. has been at the forefront of the field of the emerging field of coaching for the past 30 years. As Founder and Chief Knowledge Office of the Hudson Institute of Coaching, Pam oversees and ensures Hudson provides the highest-quality coach training to seasoned professionals and leaders, as well as consulting to organizations worldwide.

Pam is the author and co-author of several books, articles and white papers focused on coaching, human development and transformational learning. She most recently authored The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching and is the co-author of the well-known book on transition and change, LifeLaunchA Passionate Guide to the Rest of Your Life, and most recently Self As Coach, Self As Leader.

Taia A. Graham

Associate Director, Talent Development, EY Financial Services

Taia is an executive coach, organizational consultant, and facilitator with over 20 years of experience helping leaders and teams achieve transformative change. 
She is known as a “results-oriented” coach who cultivates authenticity, candor, and empathy with clients in service of breaking through barriers to change.
As an organizational consultant, she works with functional to C-suite leaders and teams at EY and across the Fortune 500. Through targeted assessment and customized interventions, she generates new insight and ways of thinking, which in turn leads to new results.
As a facilitator, her passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion has impacted thousands through the design and delivery of high-impact learning programs.
Taia received her undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College and achieved doctoral candidacy in Social-Organizational Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Ryan Stadt

Talent Development leader at Cengage Group

Ryan is a facilitator, coach, and Talent Development leader at Cengage Group, an education technology company serving the needs of global learners. His has learned from experience the truth of the adage, “What got you here won’t get you there.” After an undergraduate degree in philosophy, he earned an M.Ed. and taught high school math for three years before pivoting to educational technology at Cengage. His reputation for investing in the growth of this team made for a smooth transition to Talent in 2019. Since then he has overseen human skills development for the technology team, assisted with an LMS migration, and revitalized the technology and all-company onboarding programs. He is currently building a new leadership development program to grow empathetic, inclusive, empowering leaders at all levels. He is a certified CoreStrengths facilitator and is pursuing a Hudson coaching certification, expected August 2023.
Ryan lives in Frederick, Maryland, with his wife and young daughter. He has too many hobbies, including woodworking, knitting, sewing, and daydreaming about yurts. His proudest moment was overhearing his daughter say to herself while drawing, “Oops! But that’s ok, that’s part of learning.”

David Corey

Director of Global Organization Effectiveness at Sarepta Therapeutics

As the Director of Global Organization Effectiveness at Sarepta Therapeutics, he’s building a learning function from the ground up, and working to instill a learning culture.  He’s responsible for management and leadership development, professional development, performance management, and other associated activities such as coaching, team development and performance consulting.
Prior to Sarepta, David has worked in the Learning field for several decades, both as an external consultant and in internal roles in a variety of industries, including financial services, insurance, and health care.  His focus is on management and leadership development.  His passion is to make work a better place to be by building the capabilities of leaders at all levels.  He believes that your “worst boss ever” experience (and we all have one!) is entirely preventable if we give people the tools and support they need to be their best as leaders.
When not at work, you’ll find David spending time with his wife and two nearly adult children, and either on his sailboat, or dreaming of being on his sailboat.