The tide is turning and traditional approaches to the annual performance reviews are in flux across sectors and around the globe. Are you ready? Here’s a quick comparison of the old-style review and the growing shift to just-in-time development.

If you’re still living with the old fashioned annual review process, how’s that working for you? Chances are, you are not getting the impact you would like and your employees aren’t finding the process a useful and inspiring development opportunity.

Turns out, the investment of time and energy reaps few positive impacts. In a recent People + Strategy, a Deloitte manager referred to the traditional annual review process as “an investment of 1.8 million hours across the firm that no longer fits our business needs.”

The tide is turning and traditional approaches to the annual performance reviews are in flux across sectors and around the globe. Are you ready? Here’s a quick comparison of the old-style review and the growing shift to just-in-time development supported by Spot Coaching conversations.

If you are ready to join this rising tide, here are some steps you can take to reinvent your approach.

Model regular feedback

  • Give feedback right away, don’t wait until review time
  • Focus on future goals
  • Make regular feedback part of your culture

Equip your managers

  • Prepare managers on how to give effective feedback with Spot Coaching
  • Teach managers coaching skills that are quick, simple & predictably successful
  • Make identifying opportunities for Spot Coaching usual practice

Celebrate on-going development

  • Prioritize development over evaluation
  • Recognize the positives
  • Retain your best talent

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